Sunday, August 11, 2024


I Head Into Space To Save Planet Earth.
I am Shiva, Destroyer of Your World.  I'm writing on this blog in order to communicate with my fellow off-world alien rats.  It seems that my spacecraft is now lying at the bottom of a Russian lake so I have no way to directly communicate with my home world.  I know that occasionally all web sites on planet earth are scanned by alien worlds to look for hidden messages from agents.

The problem is that Earth Space Command is now monitoring websites for alien messages.  Of course a website has to be one that someone on earth occasionally reads before it shows up on space commands radar so to speak.  Luckily, this website has never been read by anyone so space command will never find my messages to my home world.  Even the contributors to this site never read it as is evidenced by all the serious grammatical and spelling errors found across all the postings.

Now getting back to the details of my report;   as I said my wrecked spacecraft is now lying on the bottom of a Russian lake.  Thousands of videographers witnessed the remnants of my ship roaring across the skies of the Russian Federation leaving behind it a trail of fire and smoke.  There was a massive sonic blast which devastated windows in buildings a hundred miles away.  Yet, after all that pyrotechnic display everyone on this planet thinks that a mere meteorite crashed into a Russian lake (humans have such a limited imagination).    Of course the lack of imagination that humans have to process alternative narratives to those given by the media is fortunate for space aliens.  However, sometimes their acceptance of corny explanations regarding the things they see and hear is really beyond belief.
It is of course bad enough that humans accept simple narratives for some really remarkable observances but, their ignorance in finding coincidence where it obviously exists is really astounding.

Of course, I am referring to the fact that not only was there a  crash of an alien spacecraft in a lake that was witnessed by millions but, at the same time a massive planet killing asteroid barely missed the earth.  "Coincidence" was the word used by the scientists and media to explain the crash of a meteorite (my little star-ship) and the near death experience of the planet.   Earth nerds are so not cool.  I understand humans are easily fooled in matters regarding science, technology and history however, I wish humans would appreciate the fact that I sacrificed my way back to my home world in order to stop a really nasty space monkey from crashing a massive rock right into the planet earth.  I barely escaped death myself and I have a terrible space-monkey bite mark on my tail which reminds me every time I prat around in a sewer that, I had a run-in with an ill-tempered space-monkey.

Now it was not long ago that it was announced by earth media that a giant asteroid was approaching earth. Of course human scientists knew that the asteroid was not approaching but instead, it was heading directly toward the little blue humanoid infested ball.  I of course had advanced computational systems on board my spacecraft which indicated to me that the earth was doomed and it was time for this rat to abandon the earth ship.

Of course I would have been happy to get off this planet for good however, because I had not completed my mission I thought I might have a problem explaining to my superiors back on my home world that I had failed.  They would have no doubt wondered why I just didn't go up and redirect the asteroid away from the planet.

My superiors have been chomping on my tail lately because I haven’t found a certain multiverse travel machine (A 1973 Volkswagen Pop-Top Camper).  My rat race is currently poised to completely take over this universe including all points in time with a newly discovered time machine (A 1974 AMC Matador Coup).  The Volkswagen would allow them the opportunity of taking over all the
infinite number of universes.

With no good excuse to let the humanoids and their planet be annihilated, I decided to take my ship up to the asteroid and figure out what I would need to do to redirect it.  Because the asteroid was nearby my trip was a short one.  I landed on the asteroid in a pocket which had earth air and gravity.  I knew that earth air and gravity had to be generated artificially so I started looking around for the source of the environmental enigma and the intelligent life I knew had to be behind it.
It did not take me long to find the aforementioned source:  It was a little cave, about one meter wide that led into the asteroid.  I followed the cave feeling a bit like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz human fantasy story and like Dorothy confronting the great Oz I confronted at the end of the tunnel a high technology laden cavern with a monkey sitting at a control panel which seemed quaintly ancient with hundreds of toggle switches, levers and blinking red and green lights.  I knew that this space monkey was clearly not up-to-date on his earth electronics when I saw a “Made In Japan” label on his computer console. I didn’t know how I was going to tell the little guy that the electronics hay-day sun had set on the Empire of Japan and that Chairman Mao’s communist China was the place to buy your current computer toys.

The Space Monkey Turns His Head Toward Me

“Pardon me,” I said, “I am Shiva Destroyer Of Worlds.  Who are you and what are you doing?”

The monkey turned his head round  and confronted me in the most vicious tone, “I am designated as “Space Monkey Zero”, the first monkey assigned by earth scientists to leave the solar system.  I was deep frozen and sent off on Voyager I with the hope that if some alien spacecraft were to come across me I would be thawed and brought back to life.  It was hoped that because of my superior intellect that I would act as an ambassador of goodwill to the aliens who revived me.  You see I am not just a monkey.  I have the DNA of the most intelligent creature on planet earth spliced into my chromosomes.”

“Don’t tell me your part human!,” I exclaimed with disbelief.

“Of course not,” answered the monkey.  “I have the DNA of a rat in my cells.  You and I are like cousins.  So, you must realize why exterminating a race of beings descended from toads like humans is a good thing on every level.  Humans are just nasty creatures.  They pee on you when you squeeze them. Each one releases tons of toxic methane gas into the atmosphere every year.  They certainly have not treated our rat brethren kindly and most of all they have treated my monkey cousins even worse; casting us off to explore dangerous uncharted worlds in order to save themselves casualties from mission’s cowardly humans would never dream of making.  Missions like my own cast-away mission into deep space with an almost zero chance of survival.  I was expendable to the humans.  Now all humans are expendable to me.  Ha! Ha! Ha!”

“Well listen space monkey; I don’t have time for all this.  I have to destroy this asteroid and save earth so I can continue to look for the multiverse machine which not only guarantees my kind mastery of all universes but, guarantees that I can return home and see my kids.  When all is said and done I couldn't give a rat’s rear about this planet but, I do want to go home empty handed so stay out of my way space monkey.  I have a planet to save.”

"I will never let you stop me space-monkey.  For all my family has been sent out there into space and I will never see them again."

"But, what about your sister?  She is on Voyager II.  She needs you somewhere way out there in space."

 While the space-monkey was preoccupied with thinking about his lost sister  I ran as fast as I could toward the space monkey and the control panel but suddenly the monkey hit a toggle switch and the entire control panel blew up.  I could smell melted circuits and observed several broken vacuum tubes on the floor.  I knew then that the space monkey had destroyed any hope I had of diverting the asteroid away from the earth using his technology.

“Now why did you do that space monkey?” I asked.

“Because even though I love my sister I think that now the earth must die.  I will have my revenge upon the monsters who made me a monster.  Maybe with humans gone monkeys or rats or some other superior species will rise up and become worthy space and time travelers.  Maybe something better will arise out of the human extinction.  I think I've done good today.”

I was really peeved but, I knew the little twerp was just acting out of some  earth-creature inclination of melodrama.  Earth creatures always want stuff to have some deeper meaning when maybe they should be a little more shallow and accept the obvious. “Listen space monkey, I am still going to stop this but, if you don’t want to be marooned on this rock forever you need to come with me in my spacecraft right now.  Come on monkey, this is your last chance.’

“Sorry Space-rat but I’m going down with this stone.  My last thoughts will be those of pure satisfaction. For I will know that the progeny of those who tossed me into space will have their futures blow up in their faces.”

My Burning Spacecraft Falls Into A Russian Lake
Suit yourself monkey,”  I said.  I then ran back to my spacecraft and quickly mounted the pilot’s seat.  I manually engaged the port side thrusters while maintaining my aft rudder in neutral.  The asteroid began to shimmy but, my thruster was not able to push the big rock into a trajectory that would miss the earth.  I needed more thrust to move the asteroid and I knew that the only way to create such a push was to detonate the tachyon hyper flight vale casing.  Of course that would move the asteroid but it would cause my spacecraft to go hurdling toward the earth.  I let it be so and away my ship flew toward the earth and away the asteroid and space monkey were pushed out into a non-threatening trajectory.  I and my spacecraft went hurdling through earth’s atmosphere.  Of course all the while my spaceship burned on the outside it became hotter and hotter on the inside until my hair began to singe.  I dismounted the pilot’s chair and jumped into a nearby spacesuit.  I didn't think I had much chance since I had the spacesuit made in by Enron and I had never tested it.  Anyway, I jumped out of my spacecraft which was now little more than a fireball traveling at Mach 10 and hurdling down toward a Russian lake.

One Day I Will Return Home.
Well, there you have it.  I saved the earth and my spacecraft is a big melted ball of plastic and caramelized papier-mâché lying at the bottom of a Russian lake.  l  am not proud to have saved humankind but, maybe I can find the multiverse ship and return home to my many hundreds of spouses; not to mention my  millions of children.


Thursday, May 23, 2024


I went out to do some loads of laundry, but first stopped at the bank,

I also went to the building store, to buy a new toilet tank,

When my errands were all done,

I decided to have fun,

I hung out down at the river, where a rusty, old barge had sank.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Flaky Jake's Liver & Spuds

 I went down the road to Flaky Jake's,

For one of their crisp, potato bakes,

Served with spiced, raw liver,

A cow was the giver,

And, a pint of root beer, cures my aches.



 About every ninety days,

Henry had a fair job that pays,

To pay the late rent,

To fix a car dent,

And, to buy hair color for grays.

Saturday, May 18, 2024


 I fancy dressed, went outside, and took a westward turn,

To Mr. Creams Crematorium, where granny would burn,

They opened the crematorium doors,

For roasting pork hot dogs, and making s'mores,

After cooking over granny's bones, then we did adjourn.

Friday, May 17, 2024


When risks are high and returns are low,
Then, out of the stock market I must go,
But, many stay,
Waiting for a better day,
But, they may be facing a future of woe.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024


 Patrick is a sentimental type, fool,

He aches for his past at his old high school,

Pat was always in a hurry,

Scurry, scurry, scurry,

The in-kids called Pat squirrelly,

Because, Pat was un-cool, un-cool, un-cool.


Tuesday, May 14, 2024


 Barry is a beast; he sits way up in the big trees,

Hunting unicorns, he likes to chew upon their knees,

Uni knees are very sweet,

Beast boy's, yummy, tummy treat,

Once the knees are gone,  he begins nibbling  on the feet.


Saturday, January 6, 2024


Lemons, sour tea,
Sour Milk, Sour Coffee,
Whiskey sour, tears.

Monday, January 1, 2024



I ran over my pogo-stick with my old car,

Now I can't pogo, jump high or jump far,

So, I just thought it was best,

To lay my pogo to rest,

Some thought my pogo stick funeral bizarre.


Tuesday, December 5, 2023


 Paulson took his porn down to the family run pawn store,

He dreamed of getting $1,000,000, maybe much .more,

The store was owned by mom and pop,

They poured through the porn, bottom to top,

They offered Paulson 10 cents each, because each page was tore.

Monday, December 4, 2023


I Walked Out Of A Bar And Met A Martian
When I went out on New Year's Eve,
I met a Martian and heard him grieve,
He annoyed me as he sobbed through his sins and regrets,
Then, begged me for some cigarettes,

Then, thusly to this Martian I spoke,
"Dear Martian I'm sorry but, I never smoke,
Although, I sometimes nurse a rum and coke,
If I bought cigarettes then I'd be broke,

And, cigarettes are portrayed in every earth tongue,
As causing diseases of the lung,
And, if lung disease does not give one a whack,
Then, one will surely die of a heart attack,"

The Martian then began to sigh,
"Without some cigarettes I will just die,
And, Martians have no lungs or heart,
The worst cigarettes can do is make us fart"

Finally, on the Martian I took pity,
I used my credit card in the city,
And, bought every cigarette I could find in a box,
Then, told the Martian he should get help to detox,

So, this Martian fella became real happy,
He hugged me close which I thought was sappy,
If he did it again I would have become slappy,
But, he spoke Martian verse and it was kind of rappy,

Then, my Martian friend hitched a ride back to mars,
Seems he didn’t own a ride to travel to the planets and stars,
But, I'm sure he'll be returning early next year,
Because for him a pack of cigarettes is what he holds most dear.

Monday, November 27, 2023


I fell asleep in my little jeep,
While climbing up a hill,
I only wished I had thought ahead,
And, left some sort of will,

For I wokeup as I went crashing down,
Toward the big trees below,
Of course I had no money to leave my heirs,
Just a cabin in the snow,

And, I knew they would have to live there soon,
Because none can hold a job,
And, all will be broke by one cycled moon,
Without this working slob,

But, although they'll have nowhere to go,
They'll sell the cabin in the snow,
For they will want the cash to blow,
Then, they'll reap from what they sew,

But, as I fall I still regret,
Maybe a will could save them yet,
Not selling the cabin would be the bet,
But no, I fear the future's set.

Sunday, October 29, 2023


In my trailer I hunkered down way out in the woods,
Waiting for good times to end surrounded by dry goods,
The wait could have been longer but, the gods heard not my pleas,
Thus, a shortage of companionship has brought me to my knees,

I knew the death was coming crossing oceans in tin birds,
And, out of one bird a child came speaking simple words,
 "Mommy I feel really sick please, hold me for a little bit,"
 And, the child coughed and that was it,

Then, all across the land it came,
Bearing a most scientific name,
As the plague approached all fingered blame,
But, the death brought silence and, for each the same,

So, here alone the plague I beat,
In my trailer walled with canned meat,
Out to town out in the street,
Lies my bride and my defeat,

Although I warned her not to wander,
She went to town for one last ponder,
My love mourned because her world didn't last,
Delay assured she's in that past.


My cat has become quite the scaredy,
He hides when I play Aida by Verdi,
As the trumpet march solo begins,
My cat's on needles and pins,
And, I step to an opera march parody. 

Friday, October 27, 2023


 Mike caught a bee in his kalamazoo, 

It hurt real bad, Mike didn't know what to do,

Mike rushed straight to the ER,

They caught the bee in a jar,

Where the bee came out, there formed a boo, boo.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023


 The chipmunks and squirrels are now going to war,

Now winter is here, and neither thought to nut store,

The chipmunks have loaves of bread,

That puts them a bit ahead,

The squirrels have three hinges, from someone's screen door.

Friday, October 6, 2023


 Mr. Marnie sold a type of pre-fab shed,

He was a real nice guy, when on his med.

One night his med ran out,

Marnie had an anger bout,

By morning half the county was cold dead.

Sunday, October 1, 2023


 I had holes in my toilet, and I filled them with lead,

So the water on the floor, didn't run under my bed,

Then, my big cousin Ed,

Just eats black beans and bread,

He exploded my toilet, now my toilet is dead.

Sunday, December 25, 2022


Hang, kitchen cupboards,
Screws short, unsecured, crash,
Dishes, glass breaking