I best get down to the grocery store,
My leaders have declared a big trade war,
Food prices are real high,
They'll soon sail to the sky,
We were in great pain; we voted for more.
This site is dedicated to entertain the reader with various works by Leigh Collin Brandt.
I best get down to the grocery store,
My leaders have declared a big trade war,
Food prices are real high,
They'll soon sail to the sky,
We were in great pain; we voted for more.
I went to grammar school today, but I did not get any meals,
Government fellas shut them down, so they could see what they could steals,
Mama says that we're grocery poor,
Her check too small to afford a store,
Today I know how granny feels, because they canceled Meals On Wheels.
Foster is a nightingale, and at night he sings,
After eating dinner, of bugs and other things,
Foster had to quite, quickly marry,
His egg-filled girlfriend, Carrie,
In this case fatherhood, clipped poor old Foster's wings.
I know the world is in great flux. Every day can seem overwhelming. Especially, when we put on our shoes, and head out the door, toward a future that is either uneventful, repetitive, mundane, or a future full of unexpected turmoil, fear and perhaps pain and loss. Unfortunately, you'll have to learn to handle it alone, because the rest of us are already burdened with our own problems.
My advise is to get a pet worm to ease your anxieties. They're much cheaper to feed than a dog, cat or goldfish, and you can take your worm to work with you. Just put a little dirt in a matchbox, and your worm can travel everywhere with you. If you start feeling lonely or depressed, try petting and playing with your worm. Your worm will probably respond in kind to your attention. Usually, they get all slimy. Not sure if that's good or bad.
Try a pet worm. Let me know in the comments, how it turns out.
I voted for a politician, and to my surprise,
All he told to me turned out to be lies, and, lies and lies,
We changed him for a king,
Here's the bad, awful thing,
When I couldn't pay his new taxes, I was hung, then I dies.
I traveled to Greenland to see me some grass green,
It is the greenest place, I have ever done seen,
I spied me, a big killer whale,
He had a chunk out of his tail,
I bet that missing chunk made that whale, super mean.
Mama couldn't afford to buy me milk, so I got a bad case of the rickets,
I tried catching little black bugs to eat, but was way too weak to snatch the crickets,
I did try,
Not to die,
Next I'll go to the bologna factory; just past the protests and pickets.
I cut up some potatoes for a nice oven bake,
Next, I peeled and cut onions to fry up with a stake,
I opened cans of baked beans,
A fav of my hungry teens,
Then, I squashed bananas for a banana cream cake.
I'm going to Greenland, to buy myself a house,
I think that while I'm there, I'll pick up a brand new spouse,
Maybe I'll shake paws,
With the famous Santa Claus,
Then I will go hunting, for the giant, dire mouse.
They were in a long, long, BL ship,
It was the happiest, amazing trip,
Lasting 40 years,
It ended with tears,
When the one died from a broken hip.
Here Van Die Vliee sells electric cars,
They often are dreaming of tripping to mars,
But there's errors in their summing,
Those errors they are mumming,
So investors and bankers, keep coining Vliee's jars.